inSPAration SpaBomp – The newest addition

inSPAration SpaBomp – The newest addition

CHF 119.00

InSPAration SpaBomp

Particularly made for spas, hot tubs, baths and whirlpools. It is so very special due to its clean, ultra-therapeutic and bubbly bath bomb qualities. It also doesn’t cloud, foam, discolour or leave  unwanted oily residue behind in the water.


Spabomb Aromatherapy

This Spabomb Aromatherapy was particularly made for spas, hot tubs, baths and whirlpools. It is so very special  due to its clean, ultra-therapeutic and bubbly bath bomb qualities. It also doesn’t cloud, foam, discolour or leave  unwanted oily residue behind in the water.

It is made with Epsom salt, aloe Vera extract and vitamins for the most perfect spa and whirlpool bath bomb. You can have fun without leaving a mess behind!



  • Water-soluble, does not contain any oils
  • Neutral pH
  • Does not cause clouding or foaming of the water
  • Leaves behind clean and clear water


Extra Note:

One bath bomb is enough for 1900 litres of water. The scent dissipates after about one hour. Do not let it set on the bottom of the whirlpool so try and wipe the floor with your feet.

Keep taking good care of your whirlpool and its water chemistry.

The box contains 12 bath bombs.


Product Selection:

InSPAration selection A:

Coconut Mango, Cucumber Melon, Eucalyptus Mint, Hawaiian Sunset, Heavenly Honeysuckle, Jasmine, Lavender, Passion, Rain, Romance, Spaberry, Tropical Island

InSPAration selection B: 

April Showers, Cherry Blossom, Coconut Lime Verbena, Fresh, Joy, Mangosteen & Goji, Peach, Polynesian Paradise, Pomegranate, Tahitian Tropic, Tranquility, Vanilla Twist

Contains 12 little bowls


Further accessories:

We have put together a wide range of suitable products that you can choose from in our onlineshop.

If you are looking to create your own personal wellness oasis at home, our Softub Whirlpools are just the right thing for you. Perhaps in combination with an Italian handmade Pavilion from Unosider.

Our Softubs are perfectly suitable for Summer and Winter usage. The choice is yours!

We are happy to provide you with further information and any necessary details via phone, in one of our showrooms or in your personal home.

Additional information


Sortiment A, Sortiment B

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