Questions and answers about your spa from Softub. Water care, installation, instructions for use, assembly instructions, problems Softub
The Softub hot tub can be used by all ages, there are no limits. There are many good reasons to choose a Softub hot tub, especially for children and seniors. The soft, non-slip material means there is virtually no risk of injury. Its low height, and the fact that there are no seats and benches, mean that children have plenty of space to move about. Getting up is not a problem, whatever your age.
The floor of the tub is as soft as the tub itself. You sit as comfortably as on a sofa and are completely free to move. And because in water the body of the Softub has a buoyancy of about 30%, you do not really sit firmly on the floor, you float a little.
The Softub uses heat recovery technology. The waste heat of the engine heats the water to 40°C. The desired temperature is controlled by the electronic thermostat. This simultaneously cools the engine and saves the need for a separate heater. This is reflected in the low electricity costs of less than CHF 200 per year. The Softub heats up by 0.5 – 1.0°C per hour.
Continue bubbling away like in the summer. The tub is perfectly insulated, which means heat loss is low. If you want to move the tub closer to the house, for example to the garden sitting area, this is not a problem given how light it is. PLEASE NOTE: If the tub is not being used for a longer period of time, the engine should be stored in the basement during winter, as the residual water in the pipes could freeze.
Softub hot tubs are the lightest hot tubs in the world with a fixed basin. It has a minimum load of 200kg/m2.
No. The basin consists of 25 (5mm thick) sheets of polypropylene foam, which are hot welded together. Softub hot tubs are handmade in a factory on the east coast, south of Boston. The material comes from the aviation industry, which is also used as insulation material for aircraft.
The basin is a closed system. The basin is made without a drain to avoid a source of leakage and problems with insulation. We recommend you use a standard water pump for pumping out the water, which is available in our online shop.
A Softub requires about 100 kWh of energy per month: starting power of 1.4 kW and running power of 800 W during operation. This applies when it runs at 38.0° C and is used daily. In general, energy costs are very low, between CHF 15 and 25 per month.
Softub already meets the most stringent energy regulations and standards of the future and is far superior to its competitors in terms of ecology and energy efficiency. Softub is also a leading product when it comes to the economic aspects of maintenance, acquisition costs and value retention.
If the water is cared for according to Softub’s recommendations and the water is changed quarterly, the financial outlay for a daily spa in your own private oasis, including electricity consumption, is between CHF 1.50 and CHF 2.00 per day.
Softub has a 2-year warranty on all components. A “bring-in” guarantee applies, which means that the engine must be taken to Softub Schweiz AG’s workshop at Zollikerberg or sent by post using a shipping carton (which can be ordered by calling the hotline).
The ozone system means that the amount of care required is low. The basic requirement for perfect water is the correct pH value between 7.2 and 7.6. To ensure germ-free water, we recommend adding the Soft Care liquid together with the Soft Care cleaning granulate or active oxygen 1 to 2 times a week. The filter should be rinsed once a week with a hose. In addition, it should be cleaned once a month for at least 1h (up to 24h) in the dissolved Spa Clean tablet. It is important that the Softub lid is removed for 30 minutes when water disinfectant is added and that the water is supplied with air by switching on the bubble function.
Like many hot tub manufacturers, we do not recommend this. However, since no metal parts come into contact with water in the Softub, there is no risk of corrosion. As a manufacturer, Softub does not offer a guarantee when salt is used. The water quality can be maintained by adding sea salt. However, to disinfect the water, sodium chloride (chlorine) has to be added. The salts are added directly to the water and they remain effective throughout. The salt to water ratio is 1:100, which means the water will not taste salty.
Softub stocks four types of sea salt.
Jod – Selenium: Selenium supports the body’s metabolic process and protects cells from harmful influences such as stress and premature aging. Selenium is an antioxidant that protect against oxidative stress and prevents skin aging.
Magnesium sulphate: Magnesium ions help soothe skin diseases. The osmotic effect between magnesium brine and skin cells also purifies and regenerates the skin.
Dead Sea brine bath: Not only Cleopatra bathed in the White Gold of the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea brine bath stimulates circulation and skin metabolism. During bathing, the body absorbs minerals from the brine and the natural protective function of the skin is strengthened. Skin problems such as psoriasis, neurodermatitis, acne and allergies improve significantly. You can also do that in your own bathtub!
Selenium/brine bath: Tired, exhausted, unfocused? The thyroid gland is considered the body’s accelerator. Its hormones control the metabolism to a considerable extent. For this it needs sufficient amounts of iodine and selenium, which are often lacking. An iodine or selenium bath gives relief, strengthens the immune system and delays the aging process. Selenium also has an antioxidant effect and protects the cells from harmful environmental influences.
Grundsätzlich kann dies vermieden werden, wenn Sie jährlich an einem heissen trockenen Sommertag die Deckeleinlagen aus der Hülle entfernen und richtig trocknen lassen. Wenn der Deckel schwer sind, sollten Sie versuchen die Einlagen zu trocknen. Wenn dies nicht mehr geht, können Deckeleinlagen separat bei Softub unter 044 396 90 60 oder unter der Rubrik “Care” im Onlineshop bestellt werden.
Yes, after consultation with your doctor. The bathing temperature should not exceed 36°C. If possible, the legs should be raised in the pool. Air supply should be carefully monitored.
In exceptional cases, a “crimped” lid or “orange peel skin” may appear on the edge of the basin. This can have two possible causes. The user may maintain the pH value permanently (for approx. 3-4 weeks) in the range below 5 or above 8. This is unlikely, but possible. The other reason has to do with water care. It is essential that the pump is activated for at least 10 minutes after water maintenance and that the lid remains open during this period so that the water care gases can escape and do not accumulate in concentrated form in the lid area.
Because of their sensitive sense of smell, cats stay away from the hot tub because of the water cleaning products used for disinfection.
This could be an indication that the water is contaminated. You can use this as an opportunity to change the water. To do this, pour the pipe cleaner or the dissolved Spa Clean tablet into the water. Leave it to act and then completely remove the water and refill your Softub. Alternatively, you can try to repair the damage by adding 1-2 extra spoons of chlorine in addition to the normal dosage.